Wellness Cleans

Has home

become a PLace

of shame?


IF you ARE facing


And ONe or more of these descriptors

has caused youR home To become unrecognizabLE:

you and your household may be a good candidate for MY HOLISTIC cleanING SERVICES

This clean is entirely customizable. For up to 8 hours at a flat daily rate, I work with you to uncover the home that has been lost. No space is too far gone, there is no need to pre-clean. I show up and get as much as possible over the course of the day in accordance with your needs. I have seen it all in my close to a decade of housekeeping, and I work from a place of deep care and free of judgement. I have many clients whose lives I have seen improve after only one or two of these sessions with me. I work closely with both families and solo homes.

Here are SOME EXAMPLES OF WHAT I can help with:

  • Removal of trash from all over home/floor/all surfaces

  • Tending to massive amounts of laundry/folding/clothing storage 

  • Purging of old clothing/closets/storage rooms

  • Deep cleaning & clearing of old food: dishes or fridge & freezer

  • Deciding together what items to get rid of/ cleansing of hoarded items

  • Cleaning of years old dust or very thick dust

  • Deep cleaning and reset of bathroom and kitchen

  • Complete reorganization/cleaning of collections, closest/cupboards or bookshelves

  • Coordinating with family to with help a teenager or young adult reset and recover their bedroom

  • Coordinating with adult family members to assist with an elder’s home

  • Coordinating with family members or care teams to reset a space while a client is in treatment

  • Coordinating with a local junk removal company for collection of all trash and other objects

    and any other needs specific to your home!

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